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‘Don't tell anyone I slept in this’: fashion writers on their most comfortable clothes - The Guardian

Priya Elan

My most comfortable item of clothing is an absolutely disgusting old pair of grey jogging bottoms that are threadbare and slightly see-through. They are beyond comfy, light and excellent for dealing with baby spillages and dirty bathrooms. I will be genuinely sad when they finally disintegrate in some embarrassing way (crotch or bum area first). I would never wear them outside the house, because they are frankly obscene. Except one time when I took out the bins and got a startled look from our upstairs neighbour.

Scarlett Conlon

Hands down the most comfortable thing I own is a huge felt blanket scarf I bought in the sale from Cos last year that wraps around my head twice with fabric to spare. It is the most practical thing I own, too; as well as enveloping me against the elements on cold winter mornings and making me feel as cosy as can be, it doubles up as a cover/pillow on flights and something to put over my knees at work when the air-con gets too much. It recently even came to the rescue when a friend’s kid needed tucking up in their buggy.

Morwenna Ferrier

I’ve always been afraid of cashmere, not least because I didn’t think I could afford it, but since the high street came up with a decent line in the stuff that isn’t purse-cripplingly expensive, I’ve really gone for it. My 2018/19 winter game plan is therefore hinged around cashmere pyjama bottoms, a cashmere bed jacket or a cashmere jumper (not matching, and all under £100), which I am wearing to work a lot. It’s not new for me – I’ve long been a fan of bed slips and pyjama tops as shirts – but since the whole nightwear-as-daywear has moved from gimmick to norm, I’ve really committed to it. Just don’t tell anyone I also slept in this.

Jess Cartner-Morley

I wear my leopard-print sheepskin Betty Jackson jacket in all seasons, but especially at Christmas. Comfort dressing is whatever makes you feel good, which means warmth and cosiness but also – crucially – indulgence and good vibes. It can be a onesie, but it can also be Marilyn Monroe on a beach in a cardigan. Christmas is for swapping T-shirts and sweatpants for pyjamas that would do Noel Coward proud, and cracking open newly minted knitwear for a Boxing Day walk. It means wearing what makes you feel good, and nothing feels better than leopard. And as you can see from this picture of my daughter Pearl and me at Christmas two years ago (above), there may be a gene for the leopard thing.

Hadley Freeman

My most comfortable outfit is one I wear pretty much every day, and yes, I know how gross that is. In fact, I’m wearing it right now: it’s my blue cotton pyjamas from J Crew. When I picked them up from the sale pile, it was like Indiana Jones grasping the holy grail. I love them because they’re comfy but not sloppy, and they have a bogus crest on the breast pocket, which makes me feel like Alistair Cooke presenting Masterpiece Theatre. I’ve written books in them, nursed babies in them and watched the whole of The Sopranos in them. Twice.

Sam Wolfson

I am not good at tying my shoelaces. I had bad dyspraxia when I was younger and this seems to be its final vestige. Thirty minutes after I’ve left the house they always seem to come undone, dragging along behind me from puddle to puddle. My life changed this year when I purchased a pair of Nike Free RN Commuter trainers. They are stylish, laceless trainers secured with a drawstring that you can slip on in a second but stay tight enough to go for a run in. They are the most comfortable shoes I own, but they also make me feel comfortable in my ability to leave the house.


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