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False Steve McQueen Association from Antiquorum Auction House

False Steve McQueen Association from

 Antiquorum Auction House

An Open Letter from Jake 

A dozen years ago, when I started Jake's Rolex World there were a number of falsely perpetuated Rolex rumors—many of which were based upon false association. I even wrote a story named "The Complete History of Rolex Mythbusting: Separating Rolex Fact from Fiction."

One of those rumors referred to "The Steve McQueen Explorer", so of course I went looking for evidence that Steve McQueen wore a Rolex Explorer. I came up empty handed because I discovered this false association was a myth perpetuated by people who wanted to try and capitalize on the Paul Newman Daytona. Today I discovered that Antiquorum published an error in their most recent catalog which continues this false 'Steve McQueen' association with the Rolex Explorer (Reference 1655) which as a public service I am bringing to their attention so they may retract & correct their irresponsible error. Basically, so long as any entity puts forth this FAKE NEWS / false association I will continue to correct them.

Why am I doing this? For two reasons. People or entities—especially auction houses—who put themselves forth as being 'experts' on Rolex watches should be aware of the REAL HISTORY of Rolex, and should NOT be publishing false narratives which deceive and confuse the public.

Secondly, as the world's leading Rolex historian, I am 1000% certain that Rolex history is so amazing on its own and requires ZERO exaggeration.

I will go so far to say that ANYBODY who puts forth this FAKE NEWS / false Steve McQueen association narrative is a complete IDIOT and does not know what they are talking about and, thus are NOT trustworthy.

Just to be crystal-clear, as witnessed in the photo below, Steve McQueen owned and wore a number of Rolex Submariner models and NEVER wore a Rolex Explorer. I confirmed this fact when I interviewed his ex-wifes as well as his son. I defy anybody on planet earth to prove otherwise!?!!

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