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Indian Wedding Nails

Hi guys...
Today I will share with you all a very special nail art which I did for the FB group "Indian Laquer Lovers". This nail art is special to me for one more reason, the plate I used for this nail art was introduced by one of my Indian nail buddies, Nisha Sharma (FB idIG id), great to know that India is also progressing in the field of nail art...

Indian Wedding Nails

Indian Wedding Nail Art

For this nail art:

  • For the middle and ring finger, I made the base with China Glaze For Audrey 623, and for the rest of the fingers I made the base with BarryM 333.
  • On the middle and ring finger I made a decal of an Indian couple exchanging garlands which is considered one of the most important rituals in the Indian wedding. I made a decal of the image from plate NM-02 using different polishes.
  • For the thumb I made an image showing the couple holding hands to show the eternal bond of love between husband and wife. The image is taken from NM-02 and Stamped using MdU Reddish 32.
  • For the pointy finger I stamped the text in hindi meaning "Happy Marriage" using plate NM-02 and MdU Reddish 32.
  • For the pinky I stamped the image of a Swastik which is considered a holy symbol in Hindu religion. I used the plate NM-02 and MdU Reddish 32.
  • Finally all sealed with a coat of Seche Vite top coat.

 Hope you all like like my nail art. Please comment.....:)

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