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Selfies distort our hair color, too


First of all, yep, I dyed my hair again... After three years, finally having it all grown out, soft and healthy, I dyed it, because I had done some "natural" things to lighten my hair like use cinnamon and honey, I also got some highlights last year that were way too weak and dishwashy and my hair just looked a bit dull and not even. But that is a different story that I will explain later, because I thought the dye had made my hair very red as well, and that brings me to a different issue that I first want to write about today.

I absolutely hate brassiness. Hair that is red when it was never supposed to be red is the worst. It just looks ratchet, dry and cheap. The entire day after seeing the before picture, I cried in bed and didn't want to come out anymore. My hair is one of my most important assets and it felt like it had been violated, I felt worthless.

I had wanted to put a L'Oreal Excellence 7 Mid Blond in my hair to even out my naturally brown hair without making it darker. I had sworn, three years ago, to never ever ever buy color in a box again, but there I was. I just wanted to look good for my first day on the job and didn't have the time or the money to find a good hair stylist. I could have killed myself when I saw the result in daylight. I couldn't believe my eyes. After all that time I had ruined perfectly fine virgin brunette hair with what seemed to be bright red shitty dry dye and had had to pay for it as well. I was getting a nervous breakdown because I really didn't want to show up to work like that, I would have no confidence left whatsoever. When my mother told me that the picture looked unrealistic and that there was absolutely no sign of redness in my hair, it made me think, but I needed proof, because my hair looked red in my hands as well.

I asked to make a few photos with my good old DSLR and I was absolutely amazed. My hair looked normal, and even ashy.

The shade was exactly how I liked it, pure brunette, light brown. Together with the (a bit plasticy) shine of the dye and conditioner of the dye, my hair even seemed to look healthier than it did when it was virgin. That's for a post in the near future, where I will show you all the pictures throughout the emotional rollercoaster I went through trying to fix my hair with blue dyes. I had used a blue shampoo between the dyeing and the picture on the left, and it still looked bright red, but I hadn't used anything before the picture on the right was taken. There was truely something wrong with the way smartphone cameras pic up undertones in hair. I will also try the brand new Fenola No Orange shampoo that I just ordered through bol.com and that will arrive any day now. I saw a view reviews online and it makes hair super ashy! Perhaps I won't even need to use it for long, since my hair is not as red as I thought.

The message is that smartphones don't just distort our faces, but also our hair. Not only does it make it look dry, pixelated, it can also make it look far more bright than what is seen in reality. A DSLR camera is known to take far more beautiful pictures, and now I can prove that the same counts for hair shade.

Like I wrote, a complete collection of my virgin hair, smartphone hair and DSLR hair will be posted in a few days, including picture of after two times with a normal Schwarzkopf silver shampoo and after using the new Fenola shampoo.



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